Lockdown #3 - Here We Go Again!

Well, 2021 has started with a bang and lockdown #3 is upon us.

We now have a better understanding of what lockdown means and the effect it has on us.  Whilst no-one is unaffected by lockdown, we do all experience it in different ways. This idea was captured perfectly in Lockdown #1 in this tweet.

We are not all in the same boat. We are all in the same storm. Some are on super-yachts. Some have just the one oar.

Damian Barr (@Damian_Barr) April 21, 2020

You can read the full poem here https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/rest-of-the-world-news/we-are-not-all-in-the-same-boat-story-behind-viral-post-and-poem.html

Whatever your own experience, we’ve learned from previous lockdowns that staying away from other people is deeply distressing and goes against all our natural instincts to connect with others.  It takes it’s toll on our wellbeing leaving us feeling lonely, lethargic and anxious.  For many people this is compounded by the acute stress of financial and health concerns and a deep sense of fatigue and frustration with the ongoing situation.  Together, this creates a perfect storm of challenges to our mental health.

However, lockdown #3 is different and that there are some positives.  First up, we are seasoned pro’s now, we know what it means to be locked down and we know what we need to do to survive.  Whether that’s getting organised with online shopping, sorting out IT for home working or helping relatives to master FaceTime.  We’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt.  Secondly, there is light at the end of the tunnel, true we don’t know quite how long the tunnel is yet, but every day I hear of more people I know being vaccinated and it fills me with hope.  Finally, the days are getting longer….by roughly 2 minutes and 7 seconds each day. This might not feel like much but by 18 January we’ll have an extra hour of daylight.  Brighter days are coming!

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One very simple thing that we can do everyday to protect our own mental health in lockdown is to build some movement into our days.  In many ways, the odds are stacked against us, gyms are closed, there are no walking groups or running clubs and no team sport, coupled with the fact that it’s dark and cold much of the time.  BUT, finding a way to be active everyday will lift your spirits and help manage the stresses and strains of lockdown.  For me, activity is not a ‘nice to have’, it’s an essential coping strategy and if I miss a few days, the wheels begin to fall off one way or another.  I think this is captured nicely in this picture that my youngest drew of me in Lockdown #1.

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So, I will be trying very hard to plan activity into my day, every day.  I know that I feel better if I can breathe in a bit of nature, get some daylight and use my daily activity as a way to connect and chat, even if it’s just to the dog.

To help you, find a recipe that works for you. We’ve collated some of the great activity resources that are available, on this page. The resources include printable booklets,  activity diaries and online exercise classes. We have split the information into categories to make it easier to navigate.

If you see anything on your social media travels that inspires you, share it with us on the details below.

We’re on Twitter and we’d love to know what works for you.  Tell us about your recipe for staying active in lockdown #3 and tag @MoveMoreSheff


Anna Lowe

Programme Manager National Centre for Sport & Exercise Medicine-Sheffield



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