Move More Active Environments

The ambition is that everyone in Sheffield can enjoy being active in local places and spaces regardless of their ability or location in the city. Places need to feel safe and welcoming, with something for everyone. Environments is a broad term, it refers to anywhere in Sheffield where people are active or could be active. This includes parks, green spaces, town centres, sports facilities; it is the natural and built environment around us.

The places and spaces that we live, work and play in have a huge impact on our activity patterns.  Sheffield has a wealth of natural assets including many parks and green spaces across the city.  The proximity to the Peak District has led to Sheffield being termed The Outdoor City.


This theme focuses on two key areas.  Firstly, the impact that these places have on our activity levels, we know that despite our many beautiful green spaces many people in Sheffield know little of the assets in their own localities and many remain underused.

Secondly, the way that people move around our city.  For many years, travelling by car has been the default; our cities and our lives have been designed around this status quo.  However, there is growing recognition that walking and cycling are not only great for our health, but they can also be safe and convenient modes of regular transport when supported by suitable infrastructure.  The benefits of enabling active travel go far beyond individual health benefits and include cleaner air and reducing our impact on the environment.

Why not explore Sheffield by checking out The Outdoor City Run Routes. Over thirty run routes are now signposted and mapped across fifteen locations in parks and woodland across the city, these are easily used and colour coordinated to help decide which one you may want to follow- easy, medium, hard and challenging- give it a try there’s one for all abilities.

For a closer look at more running routes use the following to connect to them all on Sheffield’s Outdoor City page.

Take in panoramic views of the city, explore industrial waterways which have been reclaimed by nature, discover the largest ancient woodland in South Yorkshire or do an easy-going loop at a picturesque reservoir- every route gives you a different experience

Move More works closely with partners across the city to facilitate and accelerate action.  We are looking for people to help us move this agenda forwards in Sheffield.  If you are interested in working with us to support Move More environments, please contact stuart.turner@sheffield.gov.uk
