Move More Annual Report and Priorities

Move More is the physical activity strategy for Sheffield.

It sets out a clear, shared vision and mission which unites people with a common purpose. Core principles guide individual and organisational action and the priority areas help to coordinate and align our approaches.

This annual report aims to capture the work that has happened that links to the Move More priorities set each year.

It gives an overview of the work that has taken place over the last 12 months, what has been achieved and the challenges that exist within Sheffield in helping to create a happier, healthier and more connected city. Many people and organisations have worked together to achieve these successes.  The credit for these successes sits with those individuals and organisations.  This report focuses on the collaborations between organisations, and on new initiatives. It is not exhaustive, lots of great physical activity work goes on in Sheffield every day and we can’t name it all.

The priorities document outlines firstly, the cross-cutting priorities that are relevant to everything physical activity related in Sheffield. Secondly, the co-produced priorities from the six Move More subgroups as shown below.

The priorities are co-produced with partners annually and delivered from October until the end of September each year. Collectively these priorities are designed to help direct activity across the city and sustain focus on the actions that will have the most impact.

Read the priorities by clicking the button below or head over to the ‘Priorities for Action Page’

Move More Index

The Move More Index is helpful in understanding a places physical activity story, it helps to create a rich understanding of all the different factors that influence activity levels, from the number of emergency hospital admissions due to falls, to the proportion of people who have access to woodland.

In Sheffield the Move More Index has deepened our understanding of key challenges and opportunities, and this has and will continue to help shape our priorities.

The Move More Index can be viewed here:

Previous Priorities