Junior Parkrun changed my life

The announcement that Junior Parkrun would restart in April in some parts of the UK https://blog.parkrun.com/uk/2021/03/19/restarting-in-england-weekly-update-2/ got me thinking back to how volunteering for this fantastic event played a significant role in my own running journey . It’s fair to say Junior Parkrun changed my life as well as being a great opportunity for my children. I would recommend any family to give it a try.

Casting my mind back to 2017, volunteering at Graves Junior Parkrun & Sheffield Schools Cross Country events was the only contact I had with Sheffield’s extensive running community as I didn’t run myself. That’s all changed- I run at least 2-3 times per week now and in 2021 I hope to complete my first half marathon! I feel fitter, I sleep better, I spend more time outdoors & I love the social aspect.

As a non-runner I thought it was a solitary pursuit- far from it! Meeting a friend for a run when there are few other in-person social activities we can do has helped me enormously over the past year. I’m looking forward to meeting a group of friends for a run soon & I feel safe knowing outdoor transmission of CV-19 is much lower than indoor can ever be.

My sons Robert & William with best mate Euan Thornton at Graves Junior Parkrun 12/3/17

My sons Robert & William with best mate Euan Thornton at Graves Junior Parkrun 12/3/17

Back in 2017 I had never considered running an activity I myself might enjoy or even be capable of. Why not? I’m not really sure, perhaps it was a mindset? Volunteering at Junior Parkrun gave me the confidence to think differently- and also encourage other people young and old to do so too.

There is a long list of reasons of how thinking of yourself as runner can benefit your general health. In fact I do this most days talking to my patients at work as a GP. Feeling stressed? Bad back? Headaches? Diabetes? Heart Disease? Awaiting surgery for cancer? Breathing problems? It doesn’t suit everyone, but in all these conditions a walk, jog or run outside can help.

There are many medical conditions where a little bit of exercise will do far more than any tablet I can prescribe as GP Dr Zoe Williams explains https://youtu.be/59ntVvTXJFc and if you can’t or don’t want to run yourself research has shown that volunteering improves well-being too https://blog.parkrun.com/uk/2018/04/25/the-joy-of-volunteering/ Studies show that the volunteers get a greater sense of well-being from events than the runners themselves!

Christmas Day Parkrun at Concord Park 2018

Christmas Day Parkrun at Concord Park 2018

I decided I wanted to run myself. I knew about the NHS Couch to 5k app https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/get-running-with-couch-to-5k/ from recommending it to others. I had actually tried as a New Years resolution well before 2017 but didn’t manage to stick to it so I chose to restart the 9 week program while on holiday with the family in summer 2017.

Early morning beach run August 2017

Early morning beach run August 2017

In 2020 huge numbers of people also started their own running journey, with nearly 1 million downloads of the app reported https://www.england.nhs.uk/2020/07/around-one-million-downloads-of-fitness-app-during-lockdown-as-people-stay-fit/

At Concord Parkrun September 2019

At Concord Parkrun September 2019

In 2019 I joined my first running club, the amazing Ingle Ladies Runners. I experienced the support of a large group for the first time- wow what a difference these wonderful women have made! We can’t meet up in person at present but I love seeing what others are up to on social media & it helps me stay motivated. I’ve also made loads of new friends.

Ingle Runners Parkrun takeover September 2019, Concord park.

Ingle Runners Parkrun takeover September 2019, Concord park.

My GP Surgery has also become a Parkrun Practice. We took part in the Parkrun takeover in June 2019 which was a huge nationwide success https://blog.parkrun.com/uk/2019/06/05/celebrating-1200-parkrun-practices/

With nurse Caroline Walker, Dr Anne Noble & Dr Gail Coskery on Parkrun Pledge day 1st June 2019

With nurse Caroline Walker, Dr Anne Noble & Dr Gail Coskery on Parkrun Pledge day 1st June 2019

In the past year working in Primary Care has been stressful coping with the Covid pandemic, from adapting our ways of working to setting up local vaccine hubs. Family life has had its stresses too with teenagers at home learning. On-line running challenges and when rules allow meeting with a friend for some fresh air has definitely helped me keep feeling well & I am looking forward to a lovely summer outside as much as possible.

Now the boys are older it’s been a while since I have been to a Junior Parkrun. (Not)Parkrun has been virtual since last year. Since March 2020 9,000 notparkrunners yet to complete a Parkrun event- they are going to need our support soon!

When we can walk/jog/run together in person Parkrun events will need volunteers, probably alot of them- judging by all the people who also joined the running community in 2020! If you are reading this and thinking you want to contribute to help keep your family & community well check out the website https://blog.parkrun.com/uk/tag/covid-19/ for updates & details of events local to you.

How will volunteering change your life? There’s only one way to find out & I recommend you give it a try!

Ingle Runners Red January Challenge 2021 completed!

Ingle Runners Red January Challenge 2021 completed!

Thanks for reading Dr Jo Maher Move More GP


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