Yorkshire Sport Foundation and national organisations, including afPE, have been working with physical educators from across the country to support parents to teach PE at home.
Short two-minute videos have been created that show parents (and teachers) free, fun and easy to follow PE activities for the whole family to enjoy together.
Active Recovery Hub
Helping children and young people to boost their health and wellbeing by promoting being active before, during and after the school day. Happy Easter! You’ve found the next stop on the Sheffield Healthy Holidays Egg Hunt.
Find our list of activities over on their webpage all provided by physical activity and sports organisations.
Premier League Primary Stars
A wide collection of free, curriculum-linked activities to educate and entertain children at home.
You can find lots of ideas for helping your children get active, as well as fun videos, games and worksheets for Maths, English and Health and Wellbeing.
BBC Super Movers
Fun curriculum linked resources to get your class moving while they learn
Get Kids Moving
A selection of workouts that put the fun back into fitness and help engage kids.
Children can train alongside their favourite superheroes from the comfort of their home.